Manual Osteopathy

“To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease.” 

— Dr. A.T. Still, Founder of Osteopathy 

Osteopathy seeks to restore balance by removing obstacles which interfere with the body’s innate potential. Osteopathic practitioners use their hands to mobilize joints and manipulate visceral organs or subtle workings of the cranial-sacral mechanism. 

Osteopathy regards the body functions as a whole and aims to bring the body into harmony. This client centered approach involves gentle palpation to ascertain the root of a person’s dysfunction.

Our Manual Osteopathy Services

Our Manual Osteopathy Services
      • Our Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (DOMP) are certified and governed under OsteopathBC. OsteopathyBC is a proud member of the Canadian Federation of Osteopaths and the Osteopathic International Alliance. DOMP’s complete a 5-year program including rigorous exams and a thesis to obtain a diploma.
      • Osteopathy is drug and surgery-free. It optimizes the body’s ability to heal itself and achieve balance. 
Manual Osteopathy Treatments
      • Initial assessment includes taking of a detailed history, and thorough assessment of the whole body using orthopaedic and osteopathic manual techniques. Your osteopath will determine the areas and patterns which may require treatment, and treat using osteopathic manual therapy, and lifestyle education and exercises if necessary.
      • Every treatment begins with a full body assessment to determine the client’s state of body that day, followed by osteopathic treatment. 
Some Benefits of Manual Osteopathy
      • Pain relief 
      • Increased range of motion 
      • Increased circulation 
      • Trauma healing 
      • Hormonal balance 
      • Decreased stress and tension 
      • Improved posture 
Osteopathic Practitioners can help if you are experiencing problems such as:
      • Neck and back pain and tension 
      • Headaches 
      • Sleep or energy issues 
      • Sports injuries 
      • Concussion 
      • Injuries from car accidents 
      • Repetitive strain injuries 
      • Joint or muscle pain 
      • Digestive, respiratory, or menstrual problems 
      • Pre- and post-natal support 
      • Fertility 
      • Jaw dysfunction

What You Need to Know About Your Appointment

All appointments with our Osteopathic Practitioners include an interview, assessment, treatment, homecare and follow-up recommendations as needed.


Initial Appointment

Prior to your first visit for Osteopathy, we will send you an online intake form to complete before arriving. If you are unable to fill out the online intake form you should plan to arrive 15 minutes early to your first appointment.

The forms include contact information, health-history questionnaire, reason for seeking treatment and information for any health insurance you would like billed. 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment you will receive a COVID-19 self-assessment form. This MUST be completed prior to you entering the clinic. 


Consent and Treatment Plan

At the start of your appointment your Manual Osteopathy practitioners will inform you on what to expect from the appointment, any possible risks and answer questions you may have and.

Once consent has been obtained your Manual Osteopathy practitioners will proceed to review your health history and determine your specific needs through dialog and orthopedic and functional assessment. This will allow your practitioner to create an individualized treatment plan which they will propose to you.


During Treatment

The treatment may include a combination of manual therapy techniques. These may involve massage, stretching, mobilizing and muscle activation. It is important to verbally communicate your needs with your therapist. We encourage you to let your therapist know if you are experiencing any discomfort or would like anything changed at any time.


After Treatment

Prior to leaving, your therapist may wish to reassess the primary treatment area to determine any changes post-treatment. Homecare exercises and or hydrotherapy may be prescribed as necessary.

Better Health & Wellness is Our Mission

 Same Day Appointments are Available.

(250) 929-6116

(250) 929-6118

101-1760 Shawnigan Lake - Mill Bay Road, Shawnigan Lake, BC